Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Project Life Tuesday July 24

The Mom Creative

I've been making sure I spend a few minutes working on the journal cards.  I have November completed for Sophie.  It was a fairly light month for pictures, but I made up for it in December.  It was unseasonably warm, so I kept having to double-check I had the pictures in the right month, since the kids were wearing shorts and sundresses so often.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Project Life Tuesday July 17

The Mom Creative

I'm still working on the journal cards so that I can finish the kids albums.  I have just 4 more months to complete and it feels so good to be so close.  Maybe I can get 2 months done each of the next 2 Tuesdays and be done before August.  That will be the goal for the next 2 weeks.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Project Life Tuesday July 10

The Mom Creative

So, in June I got all the photos in the kids albums to complete their 2011 albums.  All that's left is the journal cards.  Here's some pages from Logan's album for October.  Yes, we go to lots of pumpkin patches (some even twice).

Monday, July 9, 2012

Museum with Friends

We went to the science museum with some dear friends this week.

The gigantic light bright board was a huge hit.

They had several animal friends visiting that day.


 It was Dyno birthday so we git to wear party hats and eat birthday cake.
 Playing with the babies in the children's area.

 Logan's demonstrating how to look at your throat in the hospital area.

 What a great day for fun with Friends!