Saturday, July 2, 2011

Museums in Dallas

There are 2 museums in Dallas that do family events on the same Saturday each month. They are next to each but all we've ever done in the past is the Crow Asian Museum. This time though we went to the Nasher Museum too. They had a scavenger hunt where you located different sculptures using just a small portion of a picture of it. It was really a great thing for the kids because they were outside on the lawn and they could run all over, checking out these huge art pieces.

I took this picture for one of my teachers. This is the artist she used as inspiration for her class's art gallery at the end of the year.

We went to the Crow Museum too but honestly, I don't remember very much specific about it. The kids loved playing in the fountain. Water is definitely their favorite past time!

I know we drank bubble tea and I think it was in conjunction with the science museums Chinasaurs exhibit so the kids made dinosaur faces from paper plates. There may have been more but I really don't remember.

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