Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Some of the highlights from our Christmas celebrations:
Putting out the Reindeer Food

Playing with his new RC Mario Cart

Cruising in Kalyn's new Jeep

 The Spread on Christmas Eve
Soup and Sandwich Station

Beverage Station


 The Cousins!

 Christmas Morning

Because my brother-in-law and family wasn't coming until the day after Christmas, we were able to spend Christmas Eve at our own home.  Paul's mom joined us as we hosted a celebration for my parents, sister, step-sisters, dad, uncle and cousins (almost 20 people in all).  We had a late lunch, opened presents then had time to go to Christmas Eve services.  It was the first time I'd been to church on Christmas Eve in over a decade.  And I so very much enjoyed it.  It's hard not to be emotional sitting in church at the same time and on the same day that our family first "met".  As we were singing songs and listening to scriptures, I realized that exactly 3 years before my children were meeting each other for the first time in person.

For me Christmas really is all about a little boy from a far off land.

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