Friday, December 24, 2010

The Twelve Days of Christmas

In my jet-lagged induced insomnia, I had this great idea to use the premise of the 12 days of Christmas to chronicle these first couple of weeks as a family of four. I had a vague idea that the song The Twelve Days of Christmas was actually based on those 12 days after Christmas leading to Epiphany. Knowing that I'm getting old and my memory is going, I googled "origin of 12 days of Christmas" and came up with a site that confirmed my idea. Now I also know that there is probably some other source that has a completely different take on the song, but it's my world wide web and I'll use what I want. Apparently, there are a couple of different ways to count the 12 days so I'm adopting the one where Christmas Day is the first day of Christmas and go from there. (Although, I'm starting this a day or so late, I'll post with the appropriate dates.) So be on teh look out for the First Day of Christmas tomorrow.

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